Ryan Erwin

Ryan Erwin

Ryan is a web strategist at Orbit Media Studios. Before joining the company and becoming an Orbiteer, Ryan founded a web design, development, and digital marketing company in Chicago. His passion is learning about different digital operations and applying them to Orbit’s success. His skills are rooted in analysis, strategy, problem solving and mobilizing all parties involved around the accomplishment of the objectives.

He brings years of experience with WordPress to Orbit, ranging from speaking at and organizing WordCamps to building and marketing successful enterprise websites. Ryan is the current lead organizer for both WordCamp Chicago and Startup Weekend Chicago.

When out of the office, Ryan can be found outdoors or spending time with friends and family doing what they enjoy. His most favorite activities are hiking, skiing, cooking in the kitchen, and traveling.

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Author: Scott Offord

As an entrepreneur, Scott enjoys identifying and reaching new business markets, growing online communities and partnering with business start-ups. With a strong background in the field of web design and development, Scott currently focuses on discreetly providing search engine optimization and Google Analytics consulting services to marketing agencies and their private clients. In his off time, Scott enjoys running the Waukesha County division of the Milwaukee WordPress meetup group as well as the annual Milwaukee WordCamp. He also spends as much time as possible with his wife, his baby girl and his Great Dane.